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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

I Drove Under A Rainbow Today!

Yeah, it's no big deal or anything seeing a rainbow especially in a tropical country where it's raining all the time but today on my way back from work, I was in such a crappy mood because it was raining so heavily and the jam was horrible. It took me almost three hours just to get home. But halfway through the jam, the rain stopped and a rainbow appeared!

And it was an actual FULL rainbow. Usually we only get to see partial rainbows, but here was this big, beautiful rainbow with a perfect arch, and you could practically see the colors stacked up against one another so clearly.

Well, that lifted my mood. And a bag of Famous Amos cookies. And it's not easy trying to take a picture while keeping your eyes on the road and stuffing your face with cookies.

Umm. Not that I did that...

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