Selamat Hari Raya, you guys! And maaf zahir batin for everything I've done wrong. Especially for those days where I've been PMS'ing :P I'm sorry to those that had to endure those bitchy days. Haha.
Thank you, God, for blessing me with a loving family in a peaceful country with awesome food. And thank you for blessing me with a bunch of nephews and nieces that tells hilarious jokes that can make me crack up like it's the funniest thing in the world. Thank you!
On another note, oh my precious Lee Dong Wook has finally found out the love of his life is going to die from gallbladder cancer (yes, they finally revealed what type of cancer she has. There's no need for me to say "I don't know what type of cancer but some hepatobilliary cancer la" anymore to everyone that has been asking) and he has been so heartbroken ever since. His tears are more than a bucket-ful for each episode.
And damn! I was fooled! I thought they were gonna get married. Seems like the pictures were just a fragment of the girl's imagination. Shoot!
Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya again! Too bad class starts on Monday.
Sigh. Raya is a month, so the holiday should be a month, too, right?
Ps I have successfully influenced one of my nieces into admitting Lee Dong Wook is indeed the cutest guy ever. I am SUCH good influence. Hahahaha. Yes, Sofiah. I have mentioned you again in this blog. :P