Yessssssssssss!!! I am finally free from the wrath of surgery!!!!!!
Not that surgery is a bad thing or something. It's just that surgery and I don't get along that very well. And I had to wait till the veryyyyyy last minute to finish my exam when everyone else had already finished a day before. At least my lecturer was really nice.
"Nadira, jangan kalut sangat. You examine je patient tu lepas tu present kat I."
Hahaha. Apa tak kalutnya..I really thought there wasn't going to be a shortcase on that Friday. Heck, I even woke up EXTRA late (around 12pm), took all the time in the world for a shower, even made plans with Waddah and Wani to go out to Times Square, got DRESSED to go out, and then suddenly had second thoughts like, Omg. What if Mr. K suddenly calls and wants to have the exam? So just as a precaution step, decided to wait at Damai until 2 or 3pm but had this really, really strong feeling there wasn't going to be an exam and instead of revising anything, watched this sweet Hong Kong movie with Waddah and Wani on Waddah's laptop and then suddenly a message comes in;
Exam shortcase at 2.30pm
Damn. Shit. Damn.
But it turned out well, anyway. Mr. K showed us some interesting cases. Thank you, Mr. K.
And after that, even though it was already late, me and Wani went out and stuffed our faces with lotsa of food like there's no tomorrow because I was finally confirmed freeeeeeeeee!
I wanted to write what top and pants and accessories I'm wearing like in but I don't think anybody would care so kthxbai. Hahahahahaha. Shut up. |
Ok. So, not exactly free. Dermatology is starting on Monday. And, oh yeah. Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 3 Pro 3........................................................................................................................................................
I'm pretty upset I didn't get to hang out with Yana one last time before she went back to Melbourne. Good thing we met up spontaneously before that.
Have a safe flight tonight, babe! See you back as a postgrad! (Lucky you ;p)
P.s. hair isn't black anymore ;p